How does CBD oil help with insomnia?


Do you suffer from difficult nights? Do you have difficulty falling asleep? You often wake up at night and you suffer from insomnia repeatedly? CBD can help you by fighting insomnia.


Insomnia and sleep disorders

Difficulty falling asleep, sleep apnea, insomnia, sleep paralysis ... according to the 2018 GEO Sciences survey on the sleep of the French, more than 73% of them* say they wake up at least once a night for 10 to 30 minutes and 36% of French people say they suffer from at least one sleep disorder. 


*According to the study on French sleep conducted by Géo in 2018.


If the types of manifestations and causes (anxiety, depression, poor lifestyle) are numerous, this evil of the century is considerably increased by hyper connection and addiction to tablets and phones. 


The consequences of sleep disorders on health

Insomnia and sleep disorders are physically and psychologically impacting and play on our well-being. If a poor quality of sleep can be felt on the next day, repeated sleep disorders can have more important consequences: constant fatigue, metabolic diseases, cardiovascular diseases, stress and depression, lowered immune defenses, etc.


From a state of intense fatigue to psychological disorders: in the short term, lack of sleep directly impacts morale as well as health, with all the possible inconveniences that it implies on daily life comfort (concentration difficulties, memory loss, daytime sleepiness, etc.).


In the long term, this plague represents a public health danger that is more than worrying since less than 5 hours of sleep per night increases the risk of heart attack by 48%, the risk of suffering a stroke by 15% and 2.5 times the risk of road accidents. It should be noted that the danger is multiplied by 6 times for people suffering from sleep apnea.


Treatment of sleep disorders

Insofar as most of the individuals suffering from severe disorders have recourse to medical treatment - both for moral and physical care - sleep disorders largely benefit from the market of antidepressants and anxiolytics. In this respect, France is one of the largest consumers of sleeping pills in Europe. 


According to the Barometer of Public Health France on Sleep, these figures would still be on the rise for the last 10 years; a human debt whose neurobiological and psychological consequences on personal and professional life are difficult to measure.


The role of circadian rhythms in sleep quality 

Faced with this observation, it is essential to understand the causes of insomnia and its manifestations in order to compensate for chronic or temporary disorders of the body and thus reduce existing imbalances.


Very often, insomnia (transient or chronic insomnia, hypersomnia and parasomnia) results from a stressful event, hyper anxiety, the taking of antidepressants and anxiolytics or even from micro-awakenings sometimes due to abnormal movements during sleep.


Hyperactivity, blue light, intense noise: many factors disturb the production of melatonin, the "sleep hormone" naturally secreted by the epiphysis, a gland located in the center of the brain. When melatonin production rises as night falls, it is a sign that everything is functioning normally.


The more the brain is awake, the more the day/night circadian rhythm is totally deregulated. Thus, it is the whole internal biological clock which is upset, disturbing all the phases of sleep, from falling asleep to waking up.


CBD (cannabidiol), a natural soothing and relaxing solution

A prodigious source of benefits, nature offers so many alternatives to reduce nervous agitation. And precisely, CBD oil has all the soothing and relaxing virtues to facilitate sleep, regulate the rhythms of cycles and find a restful sleep.


Many clinical studies have proven the effectiveness of cannabidiol, more commonly known as CBD, not on the manifestations of sleep disorders, but directly on the causes of insomnia and anxiety disorders.


CBD to improve your sleep naturally

CBD is one of the molecules contained in hemp. It acts directly on the endo-cannabinoid system to relax the body and the nervous system. It is therefore a valuable aid that can act naturally on the quality of sleep by the relaxation it offers.


Moreover, unlike sleeping pills, CBD oil does not have the same drawbacks of a sedative or psychotropic; it does not cause physical addiction or side effects on the body (headaches, nausea, dizziness, hallucinations, etc. ...).


How does CBD act on sleep?

Insomnia can be caused by stress, anxiety or depression. CBD helps to fight against stress and promote a better sleep. By binding to the receptors of the endogenous cannabinoid system (CB1 and CB2) connected to the nervous system, CBD oil reduces neuronal agitation, relaxes the body's muscular system and thus promotes the reduction of stress and anxiety.


In other words, CBD activates serotonin - also called "happiness hormone" - one of the neurotransmitters that transmits information to the brain and acts directly on the regulation of certain biological functions such as mood or appetite.


This is why, in the context of certain neuropathic and inflammatory pathologies, CBD oil will soothe the nervous system and contribute to the physical and psychic relaxation necessary to encourage regular and longer sleep cycles. CBD thus promotes quality sleep.


CBD oil and melatonin to improve sleep

Melatonin is a natural hormone that increases after dark and decreases with daylight. It helps regulate sleep cycles and promotes sleep.


Thus, cannabidiol, used in association with melatonin, regulates all internal imbalances and therefore plays an essential role in sleep disorders. It helps to avoid drowsiness during the day, to increase recovery, to facilitate the transition to deep sleep, to increase the duration of cycles, but also to reduce sleep apnea.


As a result, CBD oil is one of the effective natural solutions to suspend brain activity in the evening, while our urban and ultra-connected lifestyle, increased by the stress of the day and exposure to screens promote the development of insomnia disorders.


You have questions about CBD for sleep? Do not hesitate to contact us!

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