CBD oil, your anti-stress partner


Do you feel stressed, anxious? Is your sleep disturbed? Do you sometimes feel depressed or down? CBD can help you regain mental and physical well-being on a daily basis. Discover why by reading our article!


Why do we feel stressed?

Stress is a physical manifestation of mental discomfort. Faced with certain situations, the body will manifest a series of physiological reactions: sweating, redness, migraines, stomach aches, muscle or joint tension and pain, sleep disorders, fatigue, etc.


If the stress is prolonged in time, it can become chronic and cause more significant disorders on health, but also on its psychological well-being.


CBD oil to the rescue of daily urban stress

In an ultra-connected society where the pace of life is proportional to the speed of exchanges, increased by the fatigue of public transport and pressure at work, stress is definitely the evil of the century!


Today, figures show that millions of people have already taken antidepressants, anxiolytics with harmful effects on the body. Sudden danger, complex family or personal situations, administrative difficulties, health problems, differences with loved ones: everyone has been exposed at one time or another, at different levels, to chronic anxiety disorders or a temporary state of stress. 


From the totally natural and human manifestation of stress to the intense emotional expression (heart rate, sweating, trembling, etc...): sometimes, anxiety translates into an insignificant reaction, but in certain situations, it can become a really disabling obstacle.


The manifestations of stress and anxiety

Beyond the healthy and natural reactions we face in everyday life, anxiety disorders become harmful when the individual starts to lose control of his or her behavior. In this sense, if the forms of anxiety impact daily and professional life and disrupt human interactions outside of any threat, it is because the person is suffering from a consequent pathological disorder. 


Phobias of various natures, obsessive-compulsive disorders, post-traumatic stress states: when anxiety becomes generalized and settles down durably, it is important to act to fight against its serious forms. 


The virtues of CBD on stress and anxiety

If it seems complicated to escape stress completely, it is nevertheless possible to relax better on a daily basis and even to suspend its cerebral activity in the evening, in order to calm the nervous and muscular system.


Recognized for its anxiolytic and soothing properties, CBD oil acts on stress and helps to bring back calm to overcome a difficult situation, a painful event.


Vector of positive thoughts, cannabidiol also helps to reduce the flow of stressful and negative thoughts that invade people suffering from hyper anxiety, but also act on the mild to moderate depression by improving the mood.


CBD regulates serotonin

Serotonin is a molecule that acts on the central nervous system and which plays in particular on the mood and the emotionality.


CBD, a hemp molecule, has a direct action on serotonin. Cannabidiol stimulates serotonin receptors, which increases the speed of the brain's synaptic response and therefore directly impacts the functions of the body's "happy hormone".


The relaxing effects of CBD

By regulating the quantity of serotonin - this neurotransmitter which decreases in a state of acute anxiety - CBD thus plays a real relaxing role in the treatment of punctual or chronic anxiety.


Moreover, insofar as CBD acts on the formation of neurons in the hippocampus - the part of the brain that controls mood - it helps to regulate depressive states in the long term.


CBD thus helps fight stress and can be useful if you suffer from acute or chronic stress, to help you overcome certain difficult situations, or simply to relax and unwind on a daily basis.


CBD oil for a better sleep

As you can see, CBD can make it easier to relax. If CBD helps fight stress, it is also a great ally for people suffering from sleep disorders. By helping to relax before sleeping, CBD promotes sleep and acts on the quality of sleep. Thus, a virtuous circle is set up: less stress before sleeping = better sleep during the night = less stress the next day.




Thus, by its anxiolytic effects proven by numerous studies, both on morale and general well-being, CBD oil acts on all states of stress and mild to moderate anxiety, but without side effects or risks of addiction in the short and long term. And, because it does not contain THC (molecule with psychotropic effects), its sale and its consumption are authorized in France.

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