CBD oils for animals: stress, pain, ...

Are you aware of the greening of CBD in animals and its benefits on stress and pain?

Our range of Swissbiol products with organic CBD effectively improves the well-being and comfort of your pets.

Dysfunctions and imbalances related to the decreased production of cannabinoids in their bodies trigger states of stress and anxiety, behavioral disorders, aggression, intestinal problems or even joint pain...

Discover our CBD oils for dogs and cats and act on your pets' stress and pain.

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CBD for our dogs and cats

Whether occasional or chronic, mild or much more severe, disorders in pets impact their living comfort as much as their relationships with other animals and humans.

It is not uncommon to see stress in dogs and cats, joint pain, osteoarthritis, loss of appetite, behavioral disorders, etc.

CBD can help them.

The benefits of CBD (cannabidiol) in animals

Thanks to the analgesic and relaxing properties of cannabidiol (CBD), our CATS and DOGS Swissbiol organic CBD oils help to do just that: relax the muscular system of the animal's body, reduce mental tension and pain in inflamed areas, support the immune system and contribute to non-aggressive social behavior.

CBD for animals can therefore be very helpful.

How the cannabinoid CBD works in animals

Because it stimulates the animal's endocannabinoid system, CBD oil promotes the improvement of the physical and mental state of your pets, contributes to the reduction of their body tensions and the improvement of their behavior.

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Come discover on our blog on CBD many explanations, tips and indications on CBD and its benefits, especially on stress and pain in animals. You also have the possibility to contact us for any question about CBD. Swissbiol, CBD expert, offers you to know more about the organic cultivation of CBD, CBD capsules, CBD cosmetics, and our CBD cream, CBN and CBD oils for sleep or CBG, CBC and CBD for sports.